Monday, March 23, 2009

What are you doing for Easter?

Hey guys, we would love to hear how you are planning to reach-out during this Easter Season. This is one of the most fertile seasons for evangelism, and I am sure there are a lot of cool ideas happening in our churches. Share your ideas and let's help each other to reach the greatest harvest we can this Easter!
- Fusion Florida Team

Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009

Regional Listening Tour - March 19, Tampa, FL

Hopefully, you've heard by now about the Regional Listening Tour that the Executive Committee is holding in Tampa on March 19. It's going to be at Riverhills, and the afternoon session is going to be focused on hearing from the the 40 and under ministers. (You can read more about it here: ) What and incredible opportunity for us to be able to share some of our thoughts, concerns and ideas in an open and constructive format. I, for one, am grateful to our leaders for providing such a venue for us, and for dedicating the afternoon session to listen to the younger ministers.

As we approach the event, I would love to hear what our Fusion pastors are thinking about and considering sharing at the forum. Maybe we can dialogue a bit on this blog ahead of the event, and refine some of our thoughts to be shared.

For me, one of the most significant things we must revision in our church is ministry training and licensure. I am increasingly frustrated by the layers of red-tape, individual cost and time required for our young ministers to obtain licensure. I believe that our movement must find a way to open the doors to young men and women who feel the call to ministry, and not over-burden them with excessive financial fees and unnecessary hoops to jump through.

I am sympathetic of the need for qualified and well-trained ministers; however, I am deeply concerned that our church is laboring with an outdated model that is unnecssarily complicated. I have had many young ministers ask me "why they should go through the process?" In an hour when our church is losing many of its young leaders, we must find a way to simplify the process and lessen the cost. If our church is to remain viable in the years to come, we must embrace and pave the way for young ministers to engage and to be included in the ministry of the church. Ministry training and licensure reform is not necessarily a very trendy topic, yet is a vital link (IMHO) in the reinvigoration of our movement. This is an issue that I intend to raise at the listening tour. I would love to hear your comments on this and other possible topics for discussion.

- Clayton

Fusion pastors, what say you?