Monday, March 23, 2009

What are you doing for Easter?

Hey guys, we would love to hear how you are planning to reach-out during this Easter Season. This is one of the most fertile seasons for evangelism, and I am sure there are a lot of cool ideas happening in our churches. Share your ideas and let's help each other to reach the greatest harvest we can this Easter!
- Fusion Florida Team


  1. We are having a Good Friday Communion service and an Easter Saturday party for the kids in addition to our Sunday Service. We are preparing for at least 150 kids on Sat. Nothing compared to what some will have but it will be a record for us.

  2. We are doing a version of the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday. "Journey to the Cross" is an interactive, multisensory worship opportunity where people go from station to station, walking through the last week of the life of Christ on earth.

    Our corporate worship service following will feature a really awesome preacher from around DeLand way. I think his name is Clayton Watson. Seriously, we are anticipating a meaningful time of worship with Clayton and Linette and believers in our community. If any of you in the area (West Palm) don't have anything planned, swing by. The "Journey" is from 5-7PM and the service is at 7.

    We also do a beach sunrise service on Easter Sunday. This is something we do every year. It is a lot of work but it does reach people who will not show up at a church building.

    We are praying for resurrected lives!
