Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter updates, anyone?

Hey guys. I hope all of us had a successful and productive Easter season. It may be helpful and encouraging to report on how things went. I realize that the true test is yet to come - hopefully we can retain and assimilate some of the folks who visited with us. But this is also a great time to celebrate victories, evaluate our effectiveness and possibly learn from our mistakes.

So, how'd it go?



    Lots of people making decisions for 1st steps with Jesus. Big day...mostly hung over now.

  2. 1 conversion, 1 re-commitment and about 20 first time guests.

  3. By most accounts, Easter was successful at Maranatha. We enjoyed several special events and the feedback we have received has been favorable. Clayton Watson did an especially great job ministering at our Good Friday service. We were exhausted when everything was over but the follow-up started early Monday morning. I am praying that some of the guests who came last week will show up this week or sometime in the near future. If they don't, it won't be because we did not try. I also hope that some of the lives that were touched by the ministry will show signs of hope.

    Rick Whitter
