Friday, August 21, 2009

It's time!

OK, Fusion group...

What's on your mind?


  1. Big thanks to Rick, Casey and Ken this past weekend. Even though you guys were short-handed, Dana and I appreciate the role you guys took in leading us this weekend and providing a great time of connecting. You guys poured your hearts out during the general sessions and left us all with something.

  2. I regret Cindy & I had to leave early, but we were truly blessed by the sessions and the fellowship. Fusion is a beneficial ministry that must continue.

  3. How is this for a connection to "The New Reality"?
    "What if instead of dreaming of a 7,000-seat worship center, I dreamed of clinics, schools, and community centers in the inner city? What if instead of envisioning a 150-acre campus, I saw orphanages around the world and microenterprises? What if instead of longing for about 100 full-time ministerial staff, we had 1,000 staff located all over the world? What if instead of wishing for half the community to attend our local church, the community threw parties to thank our church for all the things it was doing in the community?" (Bob Roberts - "The Multiplying Church)

  4. Bob Roberts is one of my favorites...great stuff from a guy that practices what he preaches.

  5. Hey Guys!
    I just wanted to let you guys know that I had a great time at Fusion this year. Rick, your session on the reality shift has great impacted the way I am viewing the current focus of our church's ministry. Btw...Clayton we missed you. I hope you get feeling better. You're in our prayers. God Bless, Josh

  6. Wendy and I had a great time this past weekend at FUSION!
    I'm excited about what God is doing in the Church of God in Florida and consider it a privilege to be a part of it.
    More than anything, let’s continue to pray that we all see new birth into the Kingdom of God!
    Pastor Thomas

  7. Hey Guys, sorry I had to miss the forum. I really hated to not be there; however, I do thank you all for your prayers.

    I heard a lot of good things came from the dialogue, and I look forward to connecting with you guys real soon!

    Feel free to give me a call or an e-mail anytime!
