Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A New Blog Is Born...

Today is a momentous day! Why?...We are launching the new Fusion Blog for young leaders in FL. (OK, so momentous might be overreaching a bit...but a cool day, nonetheless!)

Last August, we initiated something pretty important for the young leaders in the Church of God in FL: The Fusion Initiative. Fusion is all about giving us younger guys a way to connect to one another, to connect to the church and to contribute our thoughts, ideas, suggestions for positive progress and change in the church.

It all began with a great, albeit wet (remember TS Frances anyone?), weekend in Clearwater Beach. We met, we ate, we laughed, we shared and we came to some great conclusions. What a good time! In recent months, many of the things we talked about have been acted upon, and others are in the works. However, there is so much more that we can be as a group. Last Fall was just the beginning of the journey, there are many miles yet to travel together. This blog is but one step in that direction.

The Fusion Team will be blogging here, posting resources, etc., and we want to invite you to interact and to comment here. We are just getting started...so be kind! That's it for now...stay tuned.


  1. Great stuff, Clayton and Co. Is this kind of a closed blog? Or is this something we can give wider exposure to?

  2. Hey Travis...thx. I don't think it's closed...although our primary audience lives in FL. Some of the topics will probably not appeal to those outside of FL, but just as many probably would. I suppose time will tell. As far as I'm concerned, it's wide-open. Be blessed!

  3. Love this. I look forward to reading your comments guys.

  4. It's a good thing going the right direction!
